Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, Jan. 13 No second guessing - Jump!

I spent a good part of today in Nashville at a Quilting Class. More on that project later. As a result, I needed a portable, easy lunch. No photos, but lunch was a banana, Lara Bar, and handful of nuts + water. Filling, clean (by that I mean no dirty hands around fabric), and tasted pretty darn good. Must remember for work days!

For your viewing enjoyment..... Breakfast:
Scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, small portion Pina Colada Green Smoothie, black coffee

How about a closer look at that smoothie? C'mon, admit it...you're curious. Green? If you haven't seen Wicked (the musical), get thyself to a theater pronto. It's time you learned that Green. Is. Good.
Green Chicken Posole Soup with avocado
Tangy rich broth, with a spicy depth of the flavor of jalapeno, which simmered in the broth as the chicken cooked. Topped with fresh creamy, cool avocado seasoned with a zip of fresh lime to keep it from browning. The combination is a satisfying rhumba dance on your tastebuds.
C'mon say it again, all together now:  Green. Is. Good.

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