Monday, September 27, 2010

Take My, really... Take My Family (with apologies to Rodney Dangerfield)

The view from my seat is … family.

I’m pretty sure family may have been what (who?) Charles Dickens was referring to when he wrote in Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”

Family are the only people in the world who can say “Thank for the gift, but I would rather have had (fill in the blank here)” and know that you will still love them.

Family are the only people who can look you straight in the eye and say “You still look beautiful” and know that you will believe them even though it’s been at least a dozen years and 50# since the last time you saw each other.

Family know our best and our worst. They carry the knowledge of our past and want to share the present and our future.

They can get on one’s last nerve and be the balm that heals.

Family is the treasure that we take for granted.

Why am I waxing philosophically about family? Because I am winding down from a wonderful weekend with family celebrating the marriage of my niece Jessica and her new hubbie Nelson Flores. Nelson, welcome to the madness.

Where to begin? How about a Letterman style 10 item summary (in no specific order):
  1. The phrase "White Man Dance" describing that specific pathetic swaying in one place on the dance floor WAS invented for the general Prusa dance style.

  2. Prusa's can and will carry on a conversation regardless of any background volume - DJ, screaming children, barking dogs, B-52 bomber, you name it.

  3. We do say "I love you" with food.

  4. Speaking of food, no matter what your age, coming in the back door and smelling Mom's food makes one feel that they are coming home from school. I kept waiting for Mom or Dad to tell me to sweep the floor and get to my homework.

  5. It is a mystery why the Prusa men keep losing hair and the women keep gaining it. Surely there is federal money available to study the issue.

  6. We do love our dogs. If reincarnation is real, it's a good thing to come back as the dog of a Prusa family member.

  7. We might survive without water. We can not survive without coffee.

  8. Prusa's have overactive tearducts. It's not that we're sentimental, it's a physical condition.

  9. In the Prusa dictionary, fruit = pastry filling.

  10. A Prusa sibling may forget your birthday, but would donate a kidney at a moment's notice. And that's OK in my book.

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