Tuesday, January 12, 2010

6 Months?

The view from my seat has been...a blur. I wonder how life can be so busy that 6 months has passed since I last posted here.

This is the time that I thought my life would be so much simpler...no little ones in diapers. No kids involved in soccer, baseball, gymnastics...no living in the car. No teens learning how to drive. No staying up until 2 hours past curfew waiting for someone to arrive home...unrepentant.

I think that answer maybe similar to the answer to that age old question - what is financially comfortable? For the financial question the answer has always been "someone who makes just a bit more than I currently do". Yes...what is considered a NEED grows in accord with income, leaving most folk looking ahead to whatever the next salary level is. Surely, that will be the income that will feel "comfortable". Comfortable defined as "able to have whatever I think I need without having to wrestle with delayed gratification.

In the case of my current question, "When will life not seem so busy?" I have arrived at the conclusion that my here-to-fore answer of "when my family gets past _______ stage" is inherently wrong. Just as with balancing the household budget, balancing my calendar/schedule is NOT wishing for the next seemingly better phase. It is a matter of choosing to step off the race track and consciously adopt a life that affords what I see as important.

For me, quiet time is important. Time alone, to read, sew or pray. But when I am on the day-to-day treadmill, not attending to consciousness, I do not make the choices that I need to in order to have that time. It's not my life that needs to change - it is my attention!

Perhaps that should have been my New Year's resolution. To be attentive. Not to late to make a new resolution, is it? Unfortunately - I think I may have more success with the original 2010 resolution: "Eat more chocolate".

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