Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why wait for April 1st?

Get a head start...a 101 ways to be a fool:
  1. Keep thinking that you can get a different result doing the same old thing.
  2. Wait until someone invites you to join in on a planned activity (eg. lunch, seeing a movie, learning a hobby).
  3. Expect your loved ones to read your mind. After all, they should know what you need, want, prefer, and dream about!
  4. Lie to yourself.
  5. Never, ever, try something new.
  6. Envy. Anyone, anything, any circumstance.
  7. Believe gossip.
  8. Love anyone more than you love yourself.
  9. Believe that loving yourself = always putting yourself first.
  10. Expect someone else to make you complete or happy.
  11. Wait to be thinner, more educated, better looking, older, married, divorced, a parent, in a new job, retired, wealthy, or in a new town so that you can relax and enjoy life.
  12. Ignore a sincere compliment.
  13. Act your age.
  14. Dress younger than your age.
  15. Ignore an opportunity to “Pay it forward”.
  16. Say “I can’t do that” without ever trying to see if you can.
  17. Go for a whole hour without smiling.
  18. Think that you are better than another person.
  19. Park in a handicapped spot if you are able bodied.
  20. Think small.
  21. Ever say to a small child “Be good, or else I’ll have that nurse give you a shot!"
  22. Never do a kind gesture anonymously.
  23. Keep count (eg. “I gave him a $5 gift and he only gave me a crummy $1 gift. He owes me. – or – I traded shifts with you when you needed help, now you owe me a trade whenever I need it.)
  24. Don’t drink water.
  25. Avoid asking for help when you need it.
  26. Have gone for more than 5-years without seeing a children’s movie.
  27. Discontinue an antibiotic before you’ve finished it because you “feel better."
  28. Try to use current lingo without knowing what a word or phrase really means.
  29. Use “stupid” or “loser” to describe yourself.
  30. Go a whole summer without eating outside.
  31. Fail to see sunrise at least once a year (mindfully SEE).
  32. Take yourself too seriously.
  33. Know that you are NEVER wrong.
  34. Assume the worst about someone because of skin color, dress, or spiritual belief.
  35. Make excuses.
  36. Think that Reality TV is reality.
  37. Think that all young people are spoiled, irresponsible, and/or greedy.
  38. Believe you are irreplaceable to your workplace, so you can coast.
  39. Steal from your workplace (Yes. I do mean paperclips, pens, paper, and time).
  40. Miss a chance to say “I love you."
  41. Wait for someone to say “I’m sorry” before you begin to forgive.
  42. Keep the “good stuff” on a high shelf and never use it.
  43. Tip small.
  44. Believe that anyone who is uninsured is lazy and deserves to lack access to health care.
  45. Talk rudely to a server, barista, or cashier.
  46. Have to be right, in every instance, no matter how small the issue.
  47. Never take a nap.
  48. Not know the capital of the state you live in.
  49. Fail to see sunset at least once a year (mindfully SEE).
  50. Throw away an item that someone else could use.
  51. Yell at the cashier about the price of an item.
  52. Believe that advertising is for your education and to help you.
  53. After seeking an exam and advice from a health provider, get a second opinion from a neighbor, stranger, co-worker, or family member.
  54. Know the name of the “bachelor” or “bachelorette” but not the name of the Vice-president.
  55. Think that all elderly are feeble, out-of-touch with the reality of today’s world, and/or incompetent.
  56. Eat at chain restaurants when you travel.
  57. Believe money buys happiness.
  58. Stockpile back issues of “Real Simple” magazine.
  59. As you eat something, talk about how you “shouldn’t be eating it".
  60. Count fat grams at the dinner table.
  61. Never, ever, do something just for the fun of it.
  62. Break a promise to a child.
  63. Pick your nose in the car.
  64. Watch “Dancing with the Stars” but never dance yourself.
  65. Avoid a friend because you are hurt or angry at something they did.
  66. Always wait for the video to come out.
  67. Think it’s a bother to romance your spouse.
  68. Forget your mother’s birthday.
  69. Decide to stop taking your blood pressure medicine.
  70. Have a custom kitchen yet eat out all the time.
  71. Kick a dog.
  72. Use a racial slur.
  73. Wear pajama bottoms in public, unless you are a toddler.
  74. Tell someone that they are going to hell because of the church or religion to which they belong.
  75. Say “I don’t remember” or “I can’t recall” when you really do.
  76. Believe that the end really does justify the means.
  77. Tolerate cruelty or torture.
  78. Argue with a teacher about one point on a project when you already have an “A".
  79. Adjust a private body part in public.
  80. Wear droopy pants if you are over the age of 2 years.
  81. Talk about a group of people as "them" or "those people."
  82. Apologize to a friend for the messiness of your home.
  83. Say no to a dinner invitation because you are dieting.
  84. Spend less time with family so that you can buy more stuff or take a better vacation.
  85. Have a room in the house that no one can comfortably sit in.
  86. Unless absolutely unavoidable, wear shoes that hurt your feet.
  87. Think that the woman your son loves isn’t good enough for him. Tell him that.
  88. Defend or excuse bad behavior (especially your own or your offspring's).
  89. Complain about the wait to be seen in the ER when you are on Day 1 of cold symptoms and have not tried any acetaminophen, ibuprofen, tea with lemon and honey, chicken soup, or simple rest.
  90. Quote People Magazine in a conversation about world events.
  91. Order anything on QVC or the Home Shopping Network if you can’t pay your credit card bill each month…in full.
  92. Ask a question for which you could find the answer with a little effort.
  93. Do something just because you should.
  94. Diss your mother-in-law.
  95. Drive in a way to make sure that car with the turn blinker can’t merge into your lane.
  96. Never have been inside your local library, and never intend to.
  97. Laugh at someone else’s expense.
  98. Get drunk.
  99. Two words: comb over.
  100. When you are invited to spend time with people you love say “no”, so that you can stay home to clean or mow.
  101. Really believe that it IS all about you.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I never understood why we needed a magazine to live simply.